Friday, October 31, 2008

Good times with the Girls!!

A little of this and a little of that

Some kids need to go to playgrounds to be amused, some kids might want to see a movie to be entertained, some kids are more easy to entertain ...

Some kids are very impatient and can't wait their turn ....

Some kids like to cheer for their teams....

Kids grow up way to fast!! I guess we should enjoy them while we can!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Personal Add

SWLDSM seeks SLDSF to spend quality time texting and playing XBOX. Occasional dates may be offered but only after getting to know each other a little.
SWLDSM has faithfully served a full time mission and has returned with honor!
SWLDSM enjoys a nice home cooked meal and is searching for a nice SLDSF who has the domestic skills that every SLDSF should have!!
Non LDS Females need not apply unless you have committed to Baptism with your local LDS Missionaries!
For more information contact Travis McGarrah on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome home!!!

Thursday October 23 is the whole reason for the trip... well for most people!! I really just wanted to get away from Arkansas for a while!!

Hahaha Just kidding Goldie!!

Travis McGarrah had been serving a mission for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
in the Sacramento California area for two whole years!

A lot of people turned out to welcome Elder McGarrah home!
Drea and Myca waited patiently for Elder McGarrah

Quite a few people from the ward in Huntington came and they even waited patiently!

Angel and Myca waited patiently!!

Charity .... not so much!! I think she wanted me to pluck her chin hairs either that or she wanted a kiss... either way it was NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

Just kidding... We were real bored and just trying to have some fun!

The kids had fun playing on the luggage belt! I think they kinda thought it was their own personal stage!!


For all of those who are wondering .... That is Charity with the weird sort of Psychotic laugh!!

One LONG trip!

Another road trip for Kiannah and Aubrey!!
The trip started out in at 6 am on Oct. 22, 2008. We left our house and drove 3 hours to Aubrey's house in Little Rock. Once there we loaded up all of Aubrey's things and headed through Tennessee and then Kentucky.

Then we also went to West Virginia and Ohio !!! 10 hours later we made it to our destination!

The trip was very long but it was the perfect time of year to make the trip. The girls were very happy to finally be out of the car! Surprisingly they did a great job traveling!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Too much time!

So I ran across these two pictures! I am sure most everyone has seen these at some time or another. The first one is a picture of a Nebula as allegedly seen through a NASA telescope. The second is when someone searching for a "sign from God" put a picture of Christ over the Nebula! Ok.... There are a lot of sightings of Jesus and I myself find it funny where he "turns up at"!! Here he is as an MRI result and as a spot in a wooden fence!

Here he is as a Cheeto.... Are you kidding me? Our savior has nothing better to do than to play hide and seek????

They even have a website with a few more spottings of him!!
Jesus Hops around
Either people have NO LIFE or Jesus has a sense of humor!!!

My Civic Duty!!

Yep that is right!!! Davone and I voted today!!! Early voting started yesterday, but Davone had the day off from work today! We both already knew who and what we were going to vote for and so we decided to beat the crowds and do our voting early!!! I can only imagine how hectic it will be on November 4, 2008!! We can just sit on our couch with our fingers crossed and wait for the results to pour in!!
We respect every one's own decisions on who they wish to vote for, so please respect ours and do not search for a long drawn out conversation about why or who we voted for!!! This is America after all and you can vote for who you wish and I HAVE voted for who I wish!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tag!! I am it!!!

Well, my friend Tara, tagged me. I am not too crazy about these but since it was from such a great friend I will do it!! The rules are simple..... answer with only one word and pass it on to seven friends!!
1. Where is your cell phone? LOST

2. Where is your significant other? Bathroom

3. Your hair color? Brown

4. Your mother? Carolyn

5. Your father?Larry

6. Your favorite thing? Gospel

7. Your dream last night? None

8. Your dream/goal? Endure

9. The room you're in? Main

10. Your hobby? Crafts

11. Your fear? Violence

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Content

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. What you're not? Skinny

15. One of your wish-list items? Vacation

16. Where you grew up? Arkansas

17. The last thing you did? Typed

18. What are you wearing? PJs

19. Your TV? Big

20. Your pet? 7

21. Your computer? Laptop

22. Your mood? Anxious

23. Missing someone? Yep

24. Your car? Confused

25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes

26. Favorite store? Target

27. Your summer? OVER

28. Love someone? Eternally

29. Your favorite color? Purple

30. When is the last time you laughed? Nighttime

31. Last time you cried? Saturday

I am passing this on to: Since I don't have 7 friends on my blog list it will have to be Angel, Charity, Jane, and Tanya. I only expect 2 people to do it. We will see if I will be surprised!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kiannah and Aubrey ... Reunited at last!!!

Yesterday Angel, Kiannah, and I took a road trip to go to Little Rock! Kiannah was so very excited about the opportunity to see Aubrey!!! After nearly two months apart the girls were finally reunited!!! Kiannah had to wake up at 5:15am so that we can get her ready and leave here by 6:00am. Kiannah didn't mind she has been counting down this day for a while now! Angel was here on time and we packed up the car then we were off!!!

Aubrey and Coleman are so cute!! I am trying to teach them that ALL monkeys are named Grandpa Larry ( after their Grandpa not my dad! )

3 hours later we made it Little Rock! We got to Trevor and MaryAnn's and Aubrey was hiding from us. It took her a little while to warm up to us but when she did Kiannah and Aubrey picked up where they left off!! Coleman grew up so much in the past 2 months! He isn't a baby anymore he is a little man!

We didn't have any plans for the trip. I had bought some items she needed from the Filipino store here in Fayetteville, and MaryAnn was nice enough to cook for us!

The food was Awesome!! MaryAnn did a great job!! Right after dinner we had to leave to come home!! Kiannah wasn't too sad but she is counting down the days until she can go back!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Economical Christmas Presents?

Maybe this year she should only get boxes!!!

The next American Idol?

I think it is so cute!!! Too bad that is all that I could get!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Imanni enters the workforce!

Imanni and Johanthan have been out of school ALL week, So today Imanni went to work with Davone! She worked in the design department with Lacey and Carol. She stayed at work with Davone the whole day. She even took lunch break with Davone. She help sweep the back room and she helped the design ladies with a couple of things. She was able to pick out the items needed to make an arrangement and then the ladies helped her make an "Imanni Original". She was so excited and it turned out beautiful!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Crutches and Mom do not go together!

My mother has been complaining for some time now about her knee hurting her! She has been limping around for about a month now and complaining of her knee hurting. Today she finally went to the Hospital to have someone examine her. She went to Washington Regional Medical Center and was seen by Dr. McGhee. We are not quite sure what has happened but the Doctor seems to think that she has tore something in her knee. She has been instructed to contact a Orthopedic Surgeon. For now she has been sent home on crutches and a knee immobilizer.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Johnny boy enter's the workforce!!!

Johnathan was so excited and happy that he got to go to work with Davone! I helped him by packing his lunch and then off to work he went!

He helped to take apart some shelves and load some stuff up in a truck!

He enjoyed having lunch break and even called home to let me know that when he got off work he wanted to come home and put his feet up and play video games.... I guess he is just like Davone!! :)
The lesson learned? Well after working ALL day. He only earned $1.00. I told him that is how life is. You work hard all day and after you pay everything you need too that is how much you have left over! GO TO COLLEGE!!! Hahaha

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Road Trip!

I Love Road Trips!!!

My Best friend Angel and I on going on the road again!!
We are going this weekend to Little Rock which is only about 3 hours away. It will be Angel, Sherry #2 which is Kenny's girlfriend, Kiannah and myself. Kiannah is so excited to finally get to go see Aubrey!!! It has been almost 2 months since they have been able to see each other! We are just going down for the day but any time is better than no time!! Kiannah has missed Aubrey so much! I will have to take TONS of pictures and videos!

Then on the 22nd of this month we are planning to go to Ohio! It will be Angel, Kiannah and Myself!! Angel's brother Travis is coming home from his mission and we are driving out to welcome him home!! I am so excited. It will be 4 girls and 3 kids in one hotel room. Charity and her friend will be there too and they both will have their kids there too! What a fun slumber party!! Hopefully the kids will love us enough to sleep!! I can't wait. I have known Travis since he was born, and he just turned 21! Wow!!! That makes me feel so old! I love Angel and Charity and can't wait to get to hang out with all of them. Goldie... Angel and Charity's mom is like a second mother to me. It was all her suggestions for Angel to invite me along!! GOOD JOB GOLDIE!!!

Watch for the blogs to follow I am sure there will be a lot!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lucky number 7!!

It has been a couple days since my last post and since I don't have an exciting eventful life I have to make stuff up as I go. So I told Davone to pick a number between 1 and 10. He picked 7. So I will give you all the 7's in my life that I can think of!!! I will name the 7 things in No particular order!!
Top 7 Movies
1. The Sound of Music-I grew up watching it and I still love it!!
2. Bing Crosby's White Christmas- I watch it every chance I get
3. Coal Miner's Daughter- There is a trend with the older movies!
4. Santa Claus The Movie- I LOVED this one a child and now I force Kiannah to watch it!
5. Anne of Green Gables- There are actually 3 movies but I will just count it as one! ;)
6. The Village- I love M. Night Shyamalan
7. I am Legend- It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!!
7 of My Best friends growing up
1 & 2. It is a tie...the first names.... Angel and Charity McGarrah! I have known them since Charity was a baby!! We grew up together and are like sisters....even though they refuse to celebrate Christmas with me this year!! :'(
3. Kim Sanders- We met in Jr. High.... We were Best Friends!!! We had a lot of fun!
4. Britney Yeager- Oh my we got into bunches of trouble together
5. Tara Norris- We had so much fun with pranks, sleepovers, and boys oh my!! I still can't believe she has 3 kids with #4 on the way... CONGRATS!!!
6. Brandy Lacey- yeah um TONS OF TROUBLE!! We were always into something!!
7. Heather MacDonald- My cousin! We didn't live close but we kept in touch the best we could!
7 Top Songs
1. Love of a lifetime by Firehouse - Charity remembers this one!!! I played it all the time!
2. Always be my baby by Mariah Carey-Brings back memories
3. Have you ever needed someone so bad by Def Leppard
4. The heart won't lie by Vince Gill and Reba McEntire
5. You are not alone by Michael Jackson
6. In this life by Colin Raye
7. What might have been by Little Texas
Top 7 comfort foods
1. French Fries- My absolute favorite!
2. Snickerdoodle cookies with cream cheese icing
3. Pizza- Pizza Hut is my Favorite
4. Strawberry Jelly on toast
5. Onion Rings
6. Chips and Salsa- From Maria's hint hint!!!
7. Pancakes
7 Friends I never see and I sometimes think about
1. Travis McGarrah-He is on his mission and coming home soon
2. Shane Jentzsch- A friend growing up, It would be nice to talk to him
3. Billy White- An old friend!
4. Brandy Lacey- We had a lot of fun growing up!! It would be fun to talk about the stories
5. Antjuan Lankford- A friend from my Senior year!!
6. Lamar Drayton- Davone's best friend and a real cool guy!
7. Jesse Pate- He took care of me and was like a big brother!!
7 Pet Peeves
1. Rude snotty people
2. People who chew with their mouth open
3. Not having the last word
4. People using up all the ice or all the toilet paper and not replacing it
5. Having to wait on people
6. People who will not repeat themselves when I tell them I didn't hear them
7. Stupid People
7 Fears
2. Heights
3.Burning to death-it is tied with Drowning and Suffocating so I guess it should just be dying any way other than in my sleep!!
4. Something happening to my kids
5. Bridges Collapsing as we drive over them- I know kind of random but still freaky
6. Someone coming into my house while I am asleep- when Davone opens the bedroom door I ALWAYS jump.
7. I grew up watching unsolved mysteries and stuff like that so anything that I didn't mention can go in number 7! Hahaha I know it is cheating ..... but I get freaked out easily!!
I will stop with that for tonight!! These top 7 lists are just a few of the things I thought of. I could go on forever about me. I will search for a more interesting topic for the next time. Feel free to ask more about whatever you want to know about.