Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paid Obituary

Mr. Krabs Valentin - September 28, 2008 Fayetteville, Ark.
Mr. Krabs was purchased on September 8, 2008 from a local pet store.
He was chosen because of his friskiness as well as his ability to entertain.
His hobbies including walking around, hiding in his shell, climbing, and sleeping.
He is survived by his best friend of 20 days Hermi, as well as his owner Johnathan Valentin, and caregivers Davone Valentin, Sherry Valentin, Imanni Valentin, and Kiannah Valentin.
A private memorial service was held today.
In leu of flowers donations may be made to the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints general missionary fund, or Sharon and Davone Valentin's bank account!

A stunning performance!!!

Last night Davone and I joined my brother and his girlfriend to go and see... The Dark Knight.

It has been out for a while and I had been wanting to see it but when Kenny offered to treat us out to see it, I thought that it was the perfect time to see the movie since it was FREE ... for me anyways!! Thanks Kenny!!!!


I saw and loved the movie Broke Back Mountain! I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about that movie! I absolutely loved it. I could have done without a couple of the scenes but overall Heath Ledger did an awesome job. This is the movie that made me understand how awesome his acting capabilities are!! He was in a lot of movies and was great in ALL of them, but the depths of his acting skill was put to the test in Broke Back Mountain!!

The Dark Knight was just as awesome!! It is sad to think that my kids will grow up without seeing such a great actor!! When I think of talented actors, who can engage their audiences and make them believe they are that character Heath will always be at the top of the list!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

KC MO Day 2

Day 2 in Kansas City started out with breakfast in the hotel and then more fountains!!!

Kenny and Davone were looking cool!

My pretty babies!! They loved seeing all the fountains. Fayetteville doesn't have public fountains so it was all new and exciting to the kids!

We were all having a lot of fun....but I think Sherry and Davone were trying to find a way to get away from the family!! :)

We then went across the border to Kansas and went the the Renaissance festival! The only person in our group who had ever been to one was Kenny.... Everyone else was a little freaked out at first!

It was weird because the people there actually think they are in "that" time period. It is over whelming at first but as the day goes on you learn to laugh it off and have fun with it all!

This is all the "royal ladies" singing to the kids in the kid's realm! The group included The Queen of Scotland, and The Queen of England to name a few!

They also have a lot of these pictures around the event that you can stick your face in and take a picture.....

Imanni and Johnathan were able to ride an elephant....

While Kiannah and Davone rode a camel.

While walking around we encountered a parade.

We had a lot of fun! We were able to see a joust, eat turkey legs ( which is a must at these places ), did a lot of browsing in the stores, we saw a wrestling show and a juggling act, but most of all we got to spend the day together as a family and have a lot of fun! Kiannah got real cranky while we were there but mostly because she was sick of walking and was so tired!! When we got back to the car she was asleep within 5 minutes of he being buckled up. We were all worn out and very tired!!! We had a lot of fun!! Kenny was so nice to treat us all out to a nice weekend adventure!! I really love my brother and I am thankful for him ( only when the nice personality is out )! Thanks a lot Kenny!! We love you!!!!

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

KC MO Day 1

Kenny (my brother) is in town on leave from work. He invited My family and I to join him and his Girlfriend on a trip to Kansas City Missouri! We hardly ever get a chance to just get away so we all jumped at the chance for a road trip and to spend time with Kenny and Sherry ( His girlfriend is named Sherry too!! How fun! ). Kenny's Tahoe was able to fit us all and the Kids enjoyed watching movies the whole way there! Davone slept and snored most of the way there!! Davone didn't sleep at all the night before and we left the apartment shortly before 7 am. So this was what I saw the whole way there!! :)
Kenny got us a super nice room! Thanks Kenny!! I am used to just the 2 bed rooms. You know the typical motels. This one had two rooms. The minute we got inside Davone found his spot!!
This is the living room area, with the fold out couch!
On a side note... the little orbs of light in the pic freaked me out a little! I heard a lot of people say that those are spirits. Freaky. I always think about what horrible things might have happened in the rooms! I know weird thinking... that is me!
This is the kitchen area. We didn't use it much. We did get a bag of popcorn in our welcome basket. That was the only thing we cooked there!
We rested for a couple of hours and then met up in the Lobby. We took and picture of the kids...
Then Imanni took a picture of us!Finally Kenny and Sherry showed up and off we went! We just walked around sight seeing. Our first stop was the Cheesecake factory. That was Davone's pick! We sat outside by the fountain and took some pictures. Then we proceeded on our way. Kansas City was having an art festival. We were able to check out some of the art before the kids grew tired of it. There was a lot of people there and we were all kind of tired and not really wanting to walk around and look at stuff that was way overpriced! We found the Razorback fountain and a fountain with Neptune!
After taking pictures in front of all the fountains we headed on to Barnes and Nobles. They have a 4 story store in Kansas City. The kids enjoyed looking at the books while resting! I found an old childhood favorite....Tiki tiki Tembo. I loved hearing and reading that book when I was little. I read it to the kids but I don't think they paid much attention! Oh well I enjoyed it!!!After the bookstore we went on down the street to get some food. Then back to the hotel for us! We went to our room and rested for a short time then we all went for a swim. We didn't stay too long. Just long enough for everyone to relax a little more and then it was time to turn in for the night! Kiannah and Imanni were to share one bed and Davone and Johnathan another and I got the pull out couch! Davone insisted that I sleep in the bed and he would take the couch...but I wanted my husband to sleep good as well. I wanted the kids to sleep good for the busy day tomorrow too!

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Thanks a bunch!!!

I just wanted to say "Thanks a bunch!" to my friend Charity!
Charity called me tonight and told me about an awesome deal that Shutterfly was having! I was able to order Family Christmas cards and order 50 prints. The grand total was a whopping $0.78! That is right .... Less than $1. I was worried about having a Christmas card for the "important" people, and I had been needing to get some pictures developed for a while now!
As I was looking through the pictures I realized that I need to have someone take some good pictures of the Family and I. We have never had our pictures taken together by someone who knows what they are doing, or even someone pretending like they do.
I did the best with the pictures I had! I would have done better if Charity did it for me....Maybe next year she will! HINT HINT!!! Love ya Charity!
While I am here I just wanted to say Thanks to Angel too! I really do think of Charity and Angel as sisters ( even though they kicked me out of Christmas this year! ). Angel always knows how to make me smile no matter what is going on! She is having it kinda rough right now and I just want to say that I appreciate who she is and all that she does for me and my family! Love you Angel!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A lie is.....?

I just wanted to tell my husband that I am sorry! :( I lied to him today multiple times....but in my defense it wasn't my fault!
Davone had the day off from work. The big kids stayed at my mom's house last night so we didn't have to get them up for school and Kiannah stayed here. Kiannah did not wake up til around 9:30 am.
I got up with her and then we got dressed and walked to Asbell Elementary to take the big kids their fundraiser stuff. When we got back Davone was awake so we had breakfast , which consisted of Cold Pizza!!! Yummy!!!!
I was tired so I went to the room and laid down on the bed. Davone came in as I was starting to doze off and asked if I was going to sleep but I lied and said " Nope I am just thinking! ". Hahaha I tend to lie and make stuff up when I am half asleep. It is a real bad habit but I don't know how to fix it!
I had originally went into the room around 11:00 am and I know that Davone came in a couple more times and a couple more times I had a lie to tell. I ended up sleeping until 3:15pm while he watched after Kiannah. What a great husband I have!!!!
So in this case.... A lie is a lie.... should be changed to A lie is not my fault!!!

Imanni's Musical Performance

This year is Imanni's last year at Asbell. She will be in the 6th grade next year and moving on to middle school.
So this is Imanni's last musical!
This week is Arkansas History week, so fittingly the musical was all about Arkansas! Imanni had a short speaking as well as a singing part. She did real good with both parts!!
A couple of the songs that were sung tonight were from Steve Kelsey.... he was a favorite at girl's camp and his songs are also a favorite with the kiddos at Asbell!
Mrs. Lambert is the music instructor at Asbell and she was my music instructor as well.

The program was awesome and I know Imanni has really loved having Mrs. Lambert as her music teacher!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1 month down, How many more?

So today is the 1 month anniversary of Kiannah's best friend Aubrey moving away! Kiannah still talks about Aubrey DAILY!! I knew it would be hard on Kiannah but I really did not think it would be this hard. She talks about her and Aubrey doing things together all the time. The other night at my Mom's party Kiannah took a knife and started cutting all her food. I asked her what she was doing and she said that Aubrey wanted her to cut it. Kiannah is CONSTANTLY asking me to let her please go to Aubrey's house! I wish it was that easy! It is sad that they have to be apart and that they can not see each other but I know that Kiannah will always love her best friend! We are planning to take Kiannah to see Aubrey soon. I don't know if that will help or hurt the situation but it will be nice to see Kiannah happy and reunited with her best friend!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I have become one of them!!!

For the longest time I have thought that only animals belong on a leash! I would always think it was awful to see kids in the store on a leash! I even would try to convince myself that I would never become the type of parent that would put their kid on leash! I even found this button on Facebook and put it on my profile! Since having those thoughts I have had Kiannah! Imanni and Johnathan were never that bad. They generally listened to what I had to say and stayed super close to me when out in public. Kiannah on the other hand .... She will run the opposite way whenever she has the chance!! She has her own mind and her own ideas of what she should be doing! She thinks she is too big to hold hands with anyone other than Aubrey. Aubrey has been gone for a month now but she still thinks that Aubrey will come back on a bus! She thinks that if Aubrey is not around she shouldn't hold any one's hand! She doesn't like to ride in her stroller anymore either!

So I figured my last option was the dreaded leash. I went to Target and got Kiannah the puppy dog leash.

Imanni and Johanthan love it and are constantly asking if they can take Kiannah for a walk! How sad is that? I will try it out on her a little at a time this week and then this weekend we are going to Kansas City with my Brother and his Girlfriend so we will use it there all weekend I am sure. I will let everyone know how it works out for us.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Yesterday was my Mother's Birthday! My Brother and I have been planning for weeks to throw her a surprise party. It HAD to be today.... Since he wasn't flying into town until today! Noodles Restaurant was the venue. Just a few friends, Nothing too big.... but real nice. He had VERY specific instructions about everything. Mostly about the cake. He wanted Chocolate on Chocolate with chocolate shavings, 2 layers, elegant, and Chocolate! :) So Angel and I went to order the cake. We met all of his specifications and even ordered an extra cake that was Sugar Free since after all mother is Diabetic! So here is what mine and Angel's version of the cake Kenny wanted looked like!

So surprisingly Kenny approved......I was so shocked!!!
The guest list included Kenny and his girlfriend Sherry ( lovely name if I do say so myself! ),

Then of course we can not have a party without Angel!!

Then there was Bill and Tracey ( sorry this is the best shot I got )

There was also Ruby and Barry Wells ,Thoraya Fleming, and James and Debra Quinn.

Then the Guest of Honor.... Mom and Her guest .... Dad! :)

An then there is Davone, Kiannah and I.

It was a lot of fun! We were able to pull it off without her knowing!! I had to lie a little and make a lot of phone calls ....But in the end knowing how happy it made Mom, and to see how excited that she was to have everyone there for HER!!! It was so worth it! I love my mother and I am so very thankful for all she does to bless me and my family!

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