Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mormon Helping Hands

A couple of weeks ago we had the worst Ice storm this area has ever seen!!
The cleanup is still needed very much even today!
I can not believe how many trees were damaged!

Today our ward got together and put on the bright yellow shirt of the Mormon Helping Hands! It was so awesome to get together with the rest of the members of the church and provide service in our community.
I have heard about the Mormon Helping Hands in places like Utah and Colorado and California... But I have NEVER heard of them doing things out here!! 
We had quite a few Priesthood holders and their sons and even some of the Relief Society sisters ( myself included ). We went to assist members and non-members, young and elderly. While we drove from one pre-determined location to the other we looked for other opportunities to serve as well!! One house there was an 80 year old women who lived by herself and had a rather big yard. Her Yard was COVERED with downed limbs. I can not imagine what was going in her mind and what ideas she was trying to come up with to clear her yard. 
The best thing about it was.... When we went there you could see how discouraged and worried everyone was and by the time we left you could tell how totally grateful and relieved people were!  We used chainsaws, rakes, gloves, ladders and brooms... more importantly we used perseverance, love, and compassion! I have NEVER had a more meaningful and enjoyable day of service!! I will not be able to move tomorrow, because I can barely move now but I am thankful that I was able to participate in such an awesome experience!!


Charity Brown said...

How great!!! The Mormon Helping Hands did stuff out here in Ohio when parts of the state were flooded this summer. Our ward went, but I didn't hear anything about it until it was too late! I bet it would be a great experience!

Juli said...

Good job helping and good job moving your sore self and your three kiddos to church the next day. I wish I was there; that's so cool!

Jessica said...

Thanks- I appreciate your kind words. David said he has fond memories of growing up with you in the church and that you a very sweet lady. : )