Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kiannah's Milestone!

Kiannah reached a major milestone today! We have been trying to potty train for a little while now! Kiannah has learned real fast that she can control when she will and will not go! She seems to love to not go more than she loves to go.
Tonight though she came into the living room and informed everyone that she was wet and needed to go potty. Davone helped her to get settled in the bathroom and then left her to her business! She refuses to let anyone be in the bathroom with her most of the time. A short time later she started yelling " Daddy I need to go PooPoo! ". So Davone informed her that it was okay to go. Next thing we knew..... Yep she did it!!! This was the first time that we didn't have to catch her in the middle of a squat and grunt and rush her to the bathroom! Yippee!!! Kiannah got to put a sticker on the potty chart and got a little paper Dora trophy to put on the potty so that everyone who goes by will know what a big girl she is!! Good Job Kiannah!!
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1 comment:

Charity Brown said...

YAY Kiannah!!! Wish my little guy would go! hahahahaha!