Monday, September 8, 2008

2 Funerals and A wedding!!

Three nights ago I had the worst nightmare I have ever had! I didn't watch any scary movies or do anything out of the ordinary but I had a nightmare that Johnathan got hit by a car and died! It was so awful! I remember seeing the car ( oddly enough it looked just like the Missionaries' car ) that hit him and I remember going to the funeral home and no one showed up for the funeral. HOW HORRIBLE!!! I woke up crying and told Davone what happened and had a hard time going back to sleep.
Two nights ago I had another nightmare.....This time Davone was in a BAD car wreck! I saw his car go over the side of a bridge and catch on fire. I heard him screaming, It was bad!! In the nightmare I remember that all I did for months was cry! Everyone was fighting over whether to bury him in New York or Arkansas......We all know who would have won that needless to say it was Arkansas! Once again I woke up crying and told Davone about it.
I don't know why I am killing off my family at night! So I don't really believe in it but I wanted to look up my nightmares to see what they meant.
To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.
Well at least it is not too bad. So when Davone died it meant I don't know how to play video games? Haha Just kidding! I was real concerned going to bed about who was going to be next!
Last night I had a good dream! I was worried about it! Before going to bed I watched a movie called Flight 93. Most people know the story from September 11. I was worried about watching it before going to bed as I didn't want to have Kiannah or Imanni die in my sleep. To my surprise I had a dream and it was nice! My dream was that my brother and his current girlfriend got married! I know my brother was in it so technically it should be a nightmare :) but Kiannah and Imanni did not get killed so I was happy!!!

1 comment:

Charity Brown said...

Wow! You have some very EVENTFUL dreams!!!!! I usually have pretty vivid dreams too, but I can't say I've dreamed about a family member dying... sheesh! That'd be scary!