Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I've got the best!!!

Everyone should know by now that I have the best family EVER!!!

I am sure though that few people also know that I have the Best Visiting Teacher EVER!!!!!! For those of you who are not of my faith .... A Visiting Teacher is a Woman (usually 2) from Church who come over to visit once a month. They usually come over and visit for a while and then they will also share a spiritual message as well. I always look forward to my Visiting Teacher coming! She is the Best!! Her messages are ALWAYS inspired and ALWAYS are full of help for whatever issues I am facing in my life! While chatting I can always tell that she genuinely cares! I usually always feel like I don't fit in but my Visiting Teacher is the best!! I love the friendship that she shares with me and the joy I feel when she visits!! I am thankful for the Relief Society program and the sisterhood that comes because of it!!


Charity Brown said...

How sweet!

Juli said...

That is so wonderful! I'm glad you put that up. Way to share the gospel on your blog too.